Broken Link Checker

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About Broken Link Checker

What is a Broken Link Checker?

A broken link checker is a tool that checks web pages for broken links and gives a report of all the website good links with (200 OK) status code (302 OK and 301 OK) for moved temporarily and permanently, (500) for a generic error response or (404 Error) if any links are found to be working incorrectly or have been removed from the site.


What is a Broken Link?

A broken link is a web link that cannot be reached because it has been moved without a 301 or 302 redirect or deleted.

A broken link can harm your SEO rankings and cause you to lose valuable traffic. It can also be a potential security risk.


How Does a Broken Link Checker Work?

A broken link checker is a tool that helps website owners find broken links on their websites. It can be used to check the links on a website, or it can be used to check links on a specific page. The process of using this tool includes checking for errors and then finding out which pages are not linking properly.


Why do We need To Use Broken Link Checkers for SEO?

Broken link checkers have become a necessity in SEO. There are many reasons why we need to use them, but the most important one is that they provide a way to avoid losing traffic from search engines.

The broken link checker helps you find broken links on your website which can lead to losing traffic from search engines. They help you find these broken links and fix them before it becomes too late.